Sunday 15 January 2017

How To Become As Powerful As The Queen



Never was there an arena that translated the fine art of strategy, mind games,manipulation and power play into a finely orchestrated war front than on a board game of chess.

It is often asked why the Queen is the most powerful piece on the board. More powerful than the King himself,even with an army and pawns to surround and defend at the helms.
 Why then does a piece in whose absence the game can continue hold so much power?

Meet the queen and her royal consort. Queen on her colour.

She knows her place. She is a royal. She has all it takes to set her desires into play.
Ultimately,she understands she is disposable, this is why she must be tactical,cautious but unflinching in her attack.

The Queen moves, with a regal grace that dominates half of the board. No move is made without a motive. Conquering is her objective. She must bend others to her will,to gain their loyalty, to wield their power.
She chooses her allies well, the bishop,the rook.

As she strikes,the pieces flank her giving her support on both sides. 

Advantageous as the bishop may be, powerful, with an ability to support her attacks from any distance. He only lives to serve the Queen.Where she goes he follows.

But the Queen needs someone courageous enough to make the bold moves if she truly wants to win.

She forges an unlikely alliance with a warrior. Queen to Knight!

The knight and the queen move together. A deadly combination. The unique leaps the knight pulls out dazzle the enemy ranks and brings the Queen closer to victory.

Well you may not have been paying attention to the game, so I will summarise the lessons to be learnt here.

1. Protect Your King.
While the Queen is the most powerful piece in the royal game of chess. She knows her duty and keeps it in mind as well. 
Be level headed,don't get carried away by the battle. In all you do, do it for the King (Your goal/objective).

2. Know Your Colour.
The head piece knows her place. Who she is. Where she comes from and her destination. She knows the game can be tricky and that she is not untouchable. 

Take care to guard yourself wisely. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Project your strong points and adequately protect your loose ends.

3. Don't Be A Pawn.
We all know what happens to pawns. They only provide defense and promote others as they themselves are easily dispensable.
They are only as useful as the service they provide the power players. 

Don't be someone else's pawn or take the fall for other people's mistakes in their battle to victory. Fight for Yourself, Only Sacrifice for the right reasons.

4. Find Your Allies.
In life,just like in the game of chess. As you move across the board, you will always face difficulty and obstructions. Some you might have the skill to conquer,others you might not. Find people around you that have these qualities you need, form an alliance.Win their trust. 

They will fight fiercely for you in the end to be successful. They will protect your flanks.

5. Some alliances may seem unlikely,but  they hold many surprises.
The Queen and a lowly subject? A common man. A warrior? Someone outside your social circle? Someone you would unlikely have spared a look at before?

Most times in life, its the people we feel are 'below us' or 'not important' that possess the special thing we need to bring us what we desire.

 So learn to be humble, be logical and employ tact. What or whom have you been overlooking before that you can agree has what you need to succeed. Look closely. Take a little risk like the Queen and find your knight, so you can 'leap' over obstructions on your way to success.

6. Don't be Reckless.
Many people have lost things or people important to them because of a little recklessness. Be refined. Hone your skills. Learn new ones. After all, spending time improving on yourself is never a waste. 

Work with a grace and regality that will startle your opposition and give you the opening to strike. 

Make your planned moves. Be on your guard.


                                               Until Next Time,


Saturday 14 January 2017

Become Your Own Hero: How To Forgive Yourself And Turn Your Life Around.


 Ever so often in life,we tend to fall short of expectations we have of ourselves. Sometimes its our doing,other times, it feels like its out of our hands.
As humans we are not infallible, and when we fail or become overcome by our weaknesses, others tend to see us in a different light.

Opinions others may have of us, where once we were regarded in high esteem can vanish in a cloud of smoke and it hurts.

We feel exposed,we feel small. Despondency is our lot.
We look over our actions with regret.

Oh what we wouldn't give to do it all over again.

Sadly, Time cannot be reversed otherwise so many things we have gone or put others through would've been avoided.

What then can we do, overcome with tremendous shame and regret. Can we ever make it right?

There is no quick easy solution to be given, the only remedy for our misery can be found on the path to find peace, where we come to terms with our inadequacies and failures. 

While accepting that we have failed or done wrong brings us to experience sadness,regret and other uncomfortable feelings.

We see that wallowing in the valley of self-pity and self doubt.
Being ruled by the low opinions others form of us will not only prevent us from moving forward and becoming better people but prevent us from letting go of our mistakes. Robbing us from looking at the experience as a lesson,where we can take the proper steps to prevent a future reoccurrence.

What terrible thing have you done or let happen to you?

Are you willing to have the courage to forgive yourself for it?

Would you want a chance to be a better person all the more for your failure?

Confront your silent demon of shame, understand that you are mere mortal and are prone to mistakes and weaknesses. 

Apologise where you can, and for where you cannot learn to let go.

Make the best out of the experience and use it to help others, maybe offering helpful advice where you see someone struggling or an offer of support just because you understand.

If you are going through shame, having someone that understands is one of the first steps to getting up again.

Next step is encouragement to keep going on the path of rehabilitation, if you stand alone. Be your own hero. Believe in yourself, you will overcome this and be happy again.


Take small steps to boost your confidence, whether its doing things that make you feel you're helping others or improving a life. Even learning a skill, the feelings that come with each small success will challenge any feelings of failure and low self esteem you might have.
You will begin to see yourself in a different light, and you will feel stronger.

Finally,don't take all that people say as the last word. People tend to criticise and judge harshly when others mess up.

Its a terrible trait which humans exhibit where passing judgement on others makes them feel better about themselves even though are likely to make a similar mistake in future.

Try not to dwell too hard on negative words and disappointed stares.  

Let them be the force that drives you to become a better,stronger you. 

There are better days ahead.Learn to smile again!

Friday 13 January 2017

What Really Got The Football Club (Man Utd) Editor Fired.




 Just 2 days ago, news of how the prominent football fan club's Manchester United editor Paulbienkowski rashly treated a Nigerian applicant for not being able to produce quality content, for screening on time pilfered the internet and caused a lot of reaction both on the part of the fan club and its viewers.

From what was gathered, the writer on being asked to come up with an article of his choice within a time frame of 2 hours asked for more time which understandably could have made him to be perceived as not being a professional in the field by the editor as he was unused to such writing constraints.

It is understandable that the editor felt the applicant was wasting his time,prompting him to react in anger. 
But what caught the attention of viewers and I'm sure the applicant as well was the viciousness of the words used in the response of Mr Paulbienkowski.

It goes to say how very limited his knowledge of Nigerians and their numerous achievements are, as well as the depravity of human nature. Its tendencies to believe the worst out of every situation.

The quick response and actions of the fan club after the whole fiasco to terminate the editor's services on grounds of misconduct and verbal harassment goes to show that thankfully not every one is shrouded in the kind of ignorance that influenced Mr Paulbienkowski's response to the applicant.

He has also apologised publicly to the applicant for his actions and its safe to say his public racist speaking ways would be watched from now on.

On the part of the applicant and for future job seekers looking at employment opportunities in top establishments.

 It would be advised that in order not to be perceived in the wrong light,adequate preparation and confidence when applying for a job is key. 

Thousands apply for these fast paced jobs, only those that can adapt to the stringent,high stress conditions are selected and retained.

Its sad to say though that while this form of harrassment was brought to light and dealt with, numerous others will go unnoticed.

Let's start speaking and acting right today.

Scared You're Going To Fail?How To Know If You're Making The Right Choice


How To Know If You're Making The Right Choice.


Life can be compared to a minefield, with so many unclear choices. One wrong decision sometimes is all it takes for everything we've worked for to come crashing down around our ears.
While this is most definitely unsettling to think of, making decisions, especially big ones are part and parcel of our gift of freewill.

Whether its changing your career, or moving to a new city. Leaving a relationship or getting married, big decisions that affect us need to be thought out carefully as they can turn out to be the catalysts for later changes in our life.

Are you facing a major dilemma? On the brink of making a life altering decision? Scared to know if you'll make the wrong choice?

 Take these steps to make sure you're looking in the right direction.

Ask Yourself:

1. Am I making a target-based decision or an escape-based one?

We go through so much difficulty everyday that sometimes we get stuck. We want to be anywhere but where we currently are, and desperately seek out a change regardless of whether its right for us or not. The new is tempting, ''everything will be so much better if I had that instead of this''.

For instance, meet Shirley.
Shirley lives in a small town in Canada with her parents.
She's attended school with the same people from kindergarten to high school.
She knows every face and name in her small quiet town.

The problem is, Shirley wants more. She wants to see what life is like outside the lands she's been surrounded by all her life.
She's sick of the same things happening over and over and dreams of something different.

One day, a stranger comes into town. He's handsome, talks big and is nicely dressed but he's just passing through on his way to the city.

Shirley is charmed by him and sees the meal ticket of freedom he's waving around like a flag. Finally, she can hightail it out of here and get to experience all she's dreamed of.
Cue the whirlwind romance and 3 weeks later, Shirley becomes Mrs Shirley. They move.

Just few months in Shirley can't believe her bad luck, Mr Stranger isn't all he was made out to be and with his late hours, a drinking problem and anger issues, that sometimes he takes out on her. A baby's on the way..might be what changes him,she hopes.

Well, you can agree with me Shirley got the short end of the stick.
She was running away from her life. 

Instead of making plans that would bring her closer to the freedom and independence to make the changes she needed. She took an ''anything else offer'' just to change addresses.

Ask yourself,''Am I just running away or am I making moves to get to where I want to be''

That way you don't trade a bad situation for a worse one that takes you farther from your goals.

2. Do You Feel At Peace?

I know this might be unconventional, but its a tried and true method that works. 

Most times when we take the plunge to maybe let something/someone major go or accept an opportunity regardless of our fears we feel a quiet inner calm that's assuring.

This is an indicator that you've done the right thing for yourself and made the right decision.

3. What does my gut feeling tell me?

Our unconscious sometimes takes the decision right out of our hands, and tells us to make this or that decision without much thought. 

Research shows that unconsciously our brain is better adapted at working out complex problems than when we try to sift through every single process and option available ourselves.

When's the last time you did things or made a decision based on instinct. How did it work out for you?

4. Ask the ''Why'' Five Times.

Well, this was a little harder for me to accept. That is..
 Until I tried it.
Sakichi Toyoda founder of the car company Toyota said, if something goes wrong try and get to the real cause by asking why five times.

Applying this to making decisions, here's how it looks.

  Why should I leave this relationship? I'm not happy. Why am I not happy? Its not providing any improvement in my life. Why is there no improvement? I'm developing wrong ideals and habits because of it. Why am I developing wrong habits and ideals? The atmosphere is toxic. Why? We started on a wrong foundation.

There you see, its time consuming,but it makes you look at the root of the problem so you can see what decision you should take.

5. What If You Take the Fear Out, Would You Still Do It?

I came across this one when I was making a major decision on what I would do with my life.

The method used was cross examining fear with the phrase ''what if''


Want to see how it works?

Let's use ending a marriage as an example.

Major decision.

I want to leave, I have all my reasons out but my fears are overwhelming. This is five years down the line and I'm so used to having a partner I don't think I can survive on my own.

Cue the phrase ''what if'' What if I can survive alone and take steps to be self reliant and independent. Would I still leave my partner?

Notice the ''what if'' phrase is used in opposite style to the fear so you can think clearly.

This is not deluding yourself or ignoring real issues or problems, its giving yourself a chance to make level headed decisions and not making life choices based on fear.

Let's continue.
I don't think I can ever be happy without this person because my partner always says its my fault I'm depressed and unwilling to change.

Cue the ''what if'' phrase. What if personally I can find things that give me joy and I learn to try new invigorating experiences on my own, to show I can indeed be happy?

What choice would I make then?

So you see my lovelies,when you eliminate the fear that comes with making decisions you can make healthier, safer choices that improve your life.

                                              Until Next Time.

Thursday 12 January 2017

''What's Wrong With Me?". Have You Been Having Feeling Down Lately?

          ''WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?'' 

Symptoms of Depression& How To Deal.


 If you've had a persistent moody feeling for more than 2 weeks,its likely you're suffering from depression.

Being depressed is more than just being sad or feeling blue though. Depression is a serious illness that often goes undiagnosed.

 According to WHO(World Health Organisation), depression is the most common illness affecting over 300 million people worldwide.

Women, the most affected have better coping methods as they are more likely to discuss their feelings with a loved one and seek help compared to the male counterparts that might have difficulty opening up to others.

Depression also affects children and adolescents manifesting itself in symptoms like anger, being irritable,feeling worthless,loss of appetite, suicidal thoughts and social withdrawal.

One thing to note however is that in going through life's experiences; getting rejected,losing a loved one, getting divorced,facing a midlife crisis can predispose an individual to depression.

For me as a teenager, it was being bullied.
Outside the safety net of loved ones,people tend to prey on those they perceive as weak.
It was a new school. I was small for my age and really shy. It seemed being good at academics got me unwanted attention that only led to trouble.

Taunted and teased by those tagged as ''popular''. It was only a matter of time before I found that all the exuberance that came with my age shriveled and died.

Suddenly communicating with others became a mess of mumbled words and anxiousness.

I felt worthless and depressed when I was alone.But I would always put on masks in front of everyone else.

School was my prison and only my books understood me.I lost myself in them.

At home,my eating habits suffered.My mom didn't understand.

 I couldn't go anywhere alone because I was scared I would be cornered.

Every side conversation and laughter I heard,my mind would turn on me. Mocking me.

Hiding inside myself was the only way I could cope. It was there I learnt to express myself on paper. 

Never being judged, well as much as I would in a personal conversation anyway.

It took years of self reinvention and close knit friendships to pull myself out of the dark hole I was in.

Looking back, I realise now it was only feelings of inadequacy that could prompt them to do all they did but my young ignorant self had to go through so much emotional turmoil during those years.

As an adult, sometimes I still struggle with effects of the trauma that resurface now and then.

Now that I am older and wiser, I see that growing up in a home without a father figure made me predisposed to accepting  less than acceptable comments about myself because of feelings of unworthiness.

 I can forgive and stand up for myself and be the better for it.

 Emotionally, It has made me gentler and more understanding with others going through difficulty.

If you're suffering from depression,even as an adult; I suggest you do not keep the problem to yourself but try to talk about it to maybe your pastor,or close friend. 

Someone you feel safe with. Or visit a qualified therapist to understand the root cause and how to treat it.

                                            Until Next Time.

Stop Working For Money.Learn How to Make Money Work For You.Start Using These Tips Today!


               Things You Should Need To Start Doing If You                                   Want To Be Rich.

          Tired of living your life in mediocrity? That anxious feeling at the pit of your stomach that surfaces every time a new bill arrives to join the growing pile stacked in the corner. 

Do you want to the freedom to give yourself or your kids the kind of education and future they deserve?
 I'm guessing yes. We all do. That's why we slave away at work everyday after getting jobs.

But will the 9-5's be enough? Can we say with certainty we will get to where we desire with the way we've been living life?
   If you're like me and want to know more about how to get rich. Let's begin.

1.  Time is Power is Money.

  How you spend your time is a direct ratio to how productive you are. We all know our time is precious and tends to get away from us easily. 
Do you spend time being idle? Or watching random shows to pass the hour?
 Instead of whiling away free time doing things that aren't going to improve you. Set a goal for yourself.
Research conducted by Stanford University published in Journal of Psychology in 2011 shows that people who manage their time wisely are more likely to be happy and successful in whatever they do. 

2. Be The Problem Solver.

  Problem solving is a mental skill that every person needs to adopt if they want to be successful.
This attitude confers a leadership role and  on those who use it that can get you recognised anhwhere.Practice makes perfect.
 Dr. Denise Cummins Author of Good Thinking puts it right when she says its all comes down to "search''.

If you understand the problem you will be able to ''search'' out a solution. 

For more details, especially on  How To Solve Problems Like An Expert. Check out her blog
3. Invest! Invest Now!

Investment. A term we're all familiar with but might not have attempted. The stock markets look crazy and formidable especially for a beginner.

 Never to worry though,extensive research has been conducted on various ways to approach this,with apps that can easily be downloaded for free. Just a quick Google search will show you lots of options.

Peer to peer lending societies are encouraged,as well as investing in retirement plans that are tax reduced. Starting a trust fund for your kids won't hurt either.

Most of the rich people today,broke even from their well placed investments. Luckily, you can too.

Follow this guide on How To Invest by Money Under 30

But you have to start now. So you can reap the rewards in no time.

4. Engage In Healthy Habits.

 A life lesson I've learnt is that you'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of success is in the daily routine.

Are you a late riser? Start waking earlier. Do you tend to get to appointments late? Get a new alarm app to time appointments.

Do you tend to hoard things and your life feels clustered? Engage in disciplined decluttering.

Take care of your health. Walk sometimes to keep the blood pumping.

Make efforts to spend time with friends and loved ones.

 Always feeling tired and stressed out? Take some time to meditate and find calm. Eating healthier helps.

Simple things such as a good night's rest and a glass of water interjecting your day can make a whole lot of difference.

 Get up from that office chair and stretch! stretch! stretch!

 Even the great philosopher Aristotle said ''We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act but a habit''.

For more healthy habits check out these tips from life hack

5. Read. Read a lot.

 A common pattern observed in people who have become success stories is that they spend their time reading. 

 They read inspiring true-life,value giving books that end up tailoring decisions they make. 

Not in the habit of reading, cultivate one today.

Take those baby steps, and before you know it you're on your way to wielding new knowledge to soar to heights you want to reach.

Having problems deciding what books to read?

Here are top books recommended for every success aspirant, great minds have read these same pages.
 Be excited!

      If you plan to break out from mediocre to billionaire,  I suggest starting with these tips right away.

                                                                          Until Next Time.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Life vs Dating; Is It Just A Pointless Cycle Of Uncertainty??



 Is It Just A Pointless Cycle of Uncertainty??


     Sigh. Life is a lot like dating.     

               There are the happy go lucky enthusiasts that want to experience everything and take life by its proverbial horns. 

      There are the middle-in-betweeners who don't see what all the fuss is about but can switch from a woe is me to let's save the world today in a matter of minutes (sort of like when you swear off dating but you bump into the One the next day).
       Maybe you're like me hesitant, cautious and a tad bit untrusting. Heck you might even be all three. Not to worry,you are not going through a multiple personality disorder; this is actually a given. Life throws us beef we make meatballs right..

 The stuff we go through each day is daunting. Making new friends, getting a job, keeping the job, getting married,keeping relationships, staying healthy; you name it..
  We weild successes as a weapon against our fears. We try to do what's right. Sometimes its possible other times not so much. But we try.
   I've learnt not to place too much time worrying on the unknown if I could help it,do what you can and focus on the people you love,those that matter to you. Instead of failing a thousand times in your mind without even trying.

  Life throws curve balls at you but after getting through them if you look back you'd see you've learnt some valuable lessons. So don't be afraid of uncertainties, instead look at them as the road to being a Master of coveted knowledge that you can share with others.

 Pleasure doing life with you,
                                                                            Until next time.